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Social Ads Management | Facebook Ads Agency

Get connected with social media ads

With so many platforms out there and endless people to engage with, social media can be a daunting task - that's where we come in.

Social ads strategy

We'll make sure your social media ads are integrated within a digital marketing strategy, so you’re not wasting time, energy and money. We help you choose the best platforms for your business and create a plan that’ll get you noticed.

While you manage your posting we can help you out with social media paid advertising. This can vary from targeted product ads to broader brand awareness campaigns. However you choose to use it, social media advertising provides an easy way to reach your audience, boost engagement and drive sales at a fraction of the price of more traditional methods. Our targeted adverts ensure you’re getting in front of the people that matter most.

Facebook & Instagram

Also known as Meta Ads, these enticing images and videos will appear as users scroll their feeds. People on social media are often bored and looking for something interesting, which is why advertising works so well on these platforms.

When using a search engine like Google, users have a clear intent, but on Facebook and Instagram they're more open to new ideas, which are exactly what your ads present them with. Whether it's shopping ads for that new outfit they've been considering, lifestyle videos showing them how good that mirror would look in their bathroom, or images shouting out your businesses USPs, these ads have great success.

To run Facebook Ads you'll need a Page, Pixel, and Ad Account, all of which we can help you set up. Instagram Ads are similar and run from the same platform as Facebook - so simple!

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is the ultimate platform for B2B clients, helping you to reach a professional audience with ease. Go one step further than organic posting and start LinkedIn ads to ensure you’re only a click away from your target audience.

LinkedIn has advanced targeting options that allow you to target job title, seniority, industry, skill and more. With so many options, it's useful to use a LinkedIn ads management agency to get it right. Our team have supported competitive LinkedIn campaigns that have focused on lead generation, improving brand recognition, recruiting, product and service leads and more.

And More

While Meta and LinkedIn are where our clients have seen the most success, relevant audiences can be found on other platforms as well. X (formerly known as Twitter) and Tiktok are both examples of platforms with incredible reach, and they may be appropriate for you. For X / Twitter Ads keep in mind that you'll need an X Premium subscription.

Social media workshops

The best person to talk about your brand is you, but we’re not all experts in knowing how to engage with people online. If you need a step in the right direction, our social media workshops are the way to go.

We offer standard sessions that will give you a basic understanding of the available platforms, or more in-depth sessions where we look at how you can specifically use one platform to reach a desired outcome. We’re able to work alongside you in developing a social media strategy you can easily follow – ensuring that you’re creating engaging content your followers will love.

By the end of the session, you’ll have the skills to develop a suitable social media strategy for yourself.

What We Offer

  • Training and support
  • Customised campaigns
  • Creative content
  • Paid advertising
  • Social media workshops

Technology Partners

Let’s chat

Want to take your brand to the next level with an experienced agency that does what they say they’re going to? Get in touch with our team today! We can discuss an upcoming project or simply chat about your business and suggest solutions for growth.

Call us on 01743 621 722, drop us an email or fill out our contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
