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Contact Us | Creative Digital Agency in Shrewsbury | Clear

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If you have a new project in mind, pick up the phone, drop us an email, or fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch to set up a meeting and get things moving.

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5 Town Walls, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TW


Edmund House, Birmingham, B3 3AS

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    Client testimonials

    Clear is a highly professional and reputable agency and definitely one of the best of to deal with across 25 years of working with agencies.

    Jay, Arrow County Supplies

    Client testimonials

    The new site provides a great user experience allowing the visitors to ‘feel’ the beauty of the Marrington Estate through its design whilst improving the call to action to book directly with us. A key strand to our growth strategy is to build these direct sales and this website is playing a vital part in that ambition.

    Marrington Escapes

    Client testimonials

    Clear's collaborative approach to the design was enlightening, we were guided each step of the way with excellent communication making progress at our rate. We are so pleased with the result of their design and look forward to working with the Clear team in the future as our business moves forward.

    Elizabeth Beckett

    Client testimonials

    We have been working with Clear for almost two years on our branding, website and ongoing digital marketing. Clear understand our business very well and the result is a brand and website that reflect our business perfectly.

    Meeson Hall
