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Customer Support | Clear Design


Website support

For project related queries, please contact your account manager directly. If you're on a support package and have an issue with your website, please email [email protected]. We will try to respond within the time period set out in your support package.

Domain name, email and hosting support

For domain, email and hosting support, please contact us on 01743 344 911 or email [email protected]. We will try to respond to all points of contact within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues that you have within 3 business days.


If you wish to raise a complaint about abuse you have received via an email that we provide for you (phishing scams, spam emails etc), please contact us at [email protected] with as much detail about the abuse. We will investigate your complaint immediately.

We like to think we get it right all the time, every time but we may get it wrong from time to time. We can only improve on our services with valid feedback from you, our customers. If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received from Clear, please email to us at [email protected] including as much detail from the issue you have.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 3 business days. If you’re not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to our managing director by emailing [email protected].

Should your complaint be related to a .uk domain name, then you are also able to make a formal complaint to Nominet (the .uk registry) here:
