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Magento & Adobe Commerce Upgrades - A Guide | Clear

Magento & Adobe Commerce Upgrades – A Guide

Magento & Adobe Commerce upgrades - what are they? Do you need to upgrade your site? Find out the answers to this and more in our latest eCommerce blog.

What are they and how often are they released?

In short, a Magento or Adobe Commerce upgrade is a software update for the platform containing fixes and features. There are various levels of upgrades released, however Adobe primarily release 2 different types regularly:

Patch Release

e.g. from version 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 (See how the version number has changed) A patch release is the larger of the two, and typically contains bug fixes, security fixes, performance enhancements and quality improvements. These releases can be more complex and time consuming to install, and you may encounter compatibility issues with third party modules. These releases are less frequent than security patch releases.

Security Patch Release

e.g. from version 2.4.6-p4 to 2.4.6-p5 (See how the version number has not changed, simply the ‘p’ number on the end) A security patch release resolves known security flaws, as well as incorporate new security features and preventative measures. The frequency of a security patch release is approximately every 2 months. As a rule of thumb, security patches should continue to be available for your release line (a release line being for example, 2.4.6 or 2.4.7) for 3 years from the first release (but is subject to change by Adobe).

Other Releases

Adobe also infrequently releases what is known as a minor release. A minor release usually contains larger (and potentially breaking) changes to the codebase. For example, this may mean that code written for version 2.3.x no longer works in version 2.4.x. These releases can also include new features and security fixes. This sort of release is generally the most time consuming.

The release schedule for upgrades can be found here, and the lifecycle policy here.

Why should I upgrade?

As your digital agency, we are always going to advocate you upgrade to the latest version of Magento, but why? Here are the key reasons:


One of the most critical reasons to keep up to date. Each release contains patches for security exploits that your website may be vulnerable to. The older your version of Magento / Adobe Commerce, the more vulnerable your website becomes over time. Unfortunately, many Magento stores still run unsupported versions of Magento / Adobe Commerce that have long since stopped receiving security patches.

Bug Fixes

As with all software, Magento / Adobe Commerce contains bugs. A patch will help keep the bugs at bay, which will make for a smoother experience all round. Upgrading Magento / Adobe Commerce is also an ideal time to update your third party extensions, which will bring new features and bug fixes. Please note, when updating third party extensions, there could be additional costs associated with re-purchasing any expired licenses, or for new replacement extensions.

Performance Optimisation

Web technologies are ever-evolving, which brings opportunities for faster loading times, improved responsiveness and better overall performance as Adobe integrates them into new releases.


As the technology evolves, so do the integrations to your store. Upgrading Magento / Adobe Commerce will mean you keep in line with the latest browsers, payment gateways, shipping providers and other third-party integrations that are pivotal to your website's smooth running. Keeping up to date reduces disruption to the website due to compatibility issues.

What are the impacts and potential risks to my website and business if I don’t upgrade?

If you opt not to upgrade your version of Magento / Adobe Commerce, not only do you miss out on all of the above, but there could be serious implications for your business:

Security Vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities that would otherwise have been patched by upgrading could be exploited by hackers, which could put you and your customers at risk, and leave you liable in the process. Hackers actively seek outdated software to gain access to customer data, payment information and other sensitive information. A security breach could damage your business’ reputation, result in financial loss and even lead to legal consequences due to non-compliance with data protection regulations, including PCI compliance.

Decreased Performance and Reliability

Like any software, Magento/Adobe Commerce is prone to performance issues, crashes and downtime due to bugs and compatibility issues. This could lead to a poor experience for customers and a decrease in sales for your business if critical systems fail.

Increased Ongoing Maintenance Costs

If you continually delay an update to Magento / Adobe Commerce, you end up spending more when you eventually reach the point where you have no choice but to upgrade. The bigger the gap between versions, the more difficult it can be to upgrade, especially if you have many third party modules which haven’t received updates for an extended period of time and are no longer maintained. It is more time and cost effective to update regularly, as the changes from one version to the next will be far smaller and less technically complex.

What do I do if I’m ready to upgrade or have more questions?

Contact us and let us know! We’re happy to help and will be able to advise the cost and timeline for the upgrade.
