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Morris Care | Clear

Morris Care

An elegant & informative website design to represent Morris Care's high-quality care homes

The brief

We’ve worked with Morris & Company for several years to improve their online presence, which Morris Care has been a part of.

In 2015, we designed a functional Drupal site, combined with a bespoke recruitment system. We’ve optimised the website over the years (SEO) and created successful Google Ads (PPC) campaigns to promote the Care Homes and job vacancies.

However, Drupal 7 – the version of Drupal the site was built on, was coming to the end of life in 2020, meaning it was no longer officially supported. As such, we aimed to seamlessly transition the website onto WordPress.

The previous website was due for an update, both frontend and backend. The change in CMS gave us the perfect opportunity to modernise the design and feel of the site, which had become fairly dated over the preceding 5 years.

Morris Care and Clear worked together to review all aspects of the website, updating copy and images from Morris Care’s side, and the design, functionality and technical aspects from ours. An important requirement was for the backend of the site to be easily managed.

As well as the website, it was important to retain our SEO and PPC success.

Morris Care Home Page

Our strategy

Building on the success of the previous website and identifying the opportunities, the website needed to cater to people searching for a care home, which could be a resident, family member and people searching for jobs.

The design brief was for a white and spacious site, for ease of scrolling and browsing, with a bespoke accessibility feature to enlarge the font and colour scheme changes. There was a lot of information about each home, the types of care provided and career opportunities/requirements, so this needed to be separated with good quality images to not feel text-heavy.

It was important to convey the home-from-home feeling of each home alongside the high-quality care provided to residents by the professional team of carers. The home pages also needed to provide information from CQC reports, reviews from, videos of the team, lists of the facilities available, as well as activities for residents.

The careers section had to be consistent with the rest of the website, but with the introduction of blue-grey and pink buttons to make applying for vacancies easier.

Desktop website design of the nursing and contact pages
Desktop website design of the care home information page

Digital marketing

We’ve been optimising the Morris Care website for many years, through the ups and downs of Google algorithm updates, changes to the digital landscape and wider macro factors. Over this time, we’ve gained great search term results on competitive terms. so it was important to retain these when the ‘new’ website went live. We communicated clearly with the Morris Care team about new content for the site, which helped preserve these great rankings.

As part of our go-live process, we also ensured campaign success wasn’t affected by page updates and all tracking was correctly working.

Mobile website design of the home page
Mobile website design of the menu and a desktop newsletter sign up pop up

The results

A clean, spacious, informative website, which can be adapted for each user on a safe and secure platform.

SEO results were retained and PPC Ads continued to perform well. Redirects were carefully planned to avoid 404 pages, Google Analytics, Google Ads Search Console and Facebook Pixel have all been added to the website and now Morris Care have a modern platform to launch further success.

Let’s chat

Want to take your brand to the next level with an experienced agency that does what they say they’re going to? Get in touch with our team today! We can discuss an upcoming project or simply chat about your business and suggest solutions for growth.

Call us on 01743 621 722, drop us an email or fill out our contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
