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Digital Predictions for 2023 | Clear

Digital Predictions for 2023

Not unlike Nostradamus, we’ve got some pretty interesting predictions for the world in 2023. Will Twitter collapse? Will Elizabethan Ruffs be the new fashion trend? Thankfully our predictions are less fashion disaster, and more digital and design. Take a look at our predictions and let us know which ones you think (if any) will come true in 2023…

1. Privacy

With Google set to get rid of third-party cookies in 2024, we expect that a big focus in 2023 will continue to be privacy, and how users can expect better data protection and security online. Google will be continuing to test their Privacy Sandbox which is their fancy new solution to cookie-less tracking.

What we expect: Changes to audience and behaviour based digital advertising targeting. With Universal Google Analytics being sunset in 2023 (read our separate blog post about it here), tracking and analytics is on the cusp of a big change.

2. Machine Learning & AI

With some digital predictions claiming Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled pet-bots will be widely available for purchase in 2025, the world of machine learning and AI still seems like something from a Sci-Fi flick. The truth however is that AI is an important aspect of digital now, and a really important tool that when combined with human skills, can help improve and inform decisions we make on strategy and trends in our marketing and digital efforts. This is particularly true for PPC, where we’ve been testing performance max campaigns (Read about this on our blog post here).

What we expect: In 2023, AI is going to continue to help us take data and apply this to even more predictions in terms of customer engagement and even content marketing and website design.

3. Short Form Video content

According to the Content Marketing Institute survey in 2022, 78% of marketers plan on investing in video in 2023 with 73% of marketers claiming that video is more important to their business this year than in previous years.

The impressive take over of short form content, given the astronomical rise of TikTok during the pandemic, as well as Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts, seems like short form video isn’t going anywhere soon. Brands seem more relatable and can drive real human engagement on these platforms which we believe is going to be a real tool to resonate with customers in 2023.

What we expect: Video to continue to reign over all other content, with short-form as queen.

4. Streamlined brand design & Nostalgic Design

According to Adobe, some of the top logo trends for 2023 will include:

Ornamental Monograms - Monograms in the past have been rather institutional, but in recent times this classic logo has been given an ornamental spin that folds in additional layers, utilising contrasting colours and typefaces for an expressive touch.

Scribbles and sketches - Sketched-out logos are meant to be accessible, personable, and deeply rooted in the enduring trend of pulling inspiration from nostalgia, especially when it comes to ‘90s styles.

Alongside this, in our post-pandemic world we predict the use of bright, optimistic colour palettes and expressions of individuality as people try to see the lighter side of life.

5. Website Load Times

Of course website load times have been, and always will be an important aspect of the digital landscape. However as our attention span shrinks and the world speeds up, it’ll be more important than ever to make sure our sites are speedy and function fabulously to capture and retain engagement. Statistics from Google in 2017 revealed that “As page load time goes from one second to 10 seconds, the probability of a mobile site visitor bouncing increases 123%.” We suspect that attention spans are shorter now, and we all know how frustrating it is when a website takes too long to load.

What we expect: Page speed to remain as important as ever. Slow site speeds? Contact us to find out how we can help.

6. Micro-animations

As we predicted back in 2020 (how was that two years ago?!) we’ve seen an increase in animations on sites as we continue to wow consumers with design. However we predict that in 2023, these animations will morph into something a little more organic that flow with the page. Micro?animations are small motions that tie together elements of an interface or design. They act as visual feedback for the user, making the UX process more engaging and enjoyable.

What we expect: Micro-animations to become part of the expected experience when using a site, those little details that bring a smile to your face

So, what do you think? If you’d like help with getting your digital efforts up to speed with our 2023 predictions, give our friendly team a shout.
