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Clear 20 update: Sore legs all round! | Clear

Clear 20 update: Sore legs all round!

Clear is 20 years old this year! And as a team we’re aiming to complete 20,000km walking/running in our 20th year, raising money for The Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

Gav, James and Kev on their race days

The running total (pun intended!) is 12,055km so we're on track to hit our target by the deadline of March 25th 2023.

Over the past month, some of the team boosted the total by taking part in three different challenges - Huge congratulations to Gavin, our MD, for completing the London Marathon, James, our Creative Director, for completing the Longmynd Hike, a casual 50 mile hike across 8 of the finest Shropshire Hills, and Kev, our Senior Designer, for completing the Shrewsbury half marathon!

A huge thank you to all of our sponsors so far including Adviser Home, Blackburn Distributions, Crown Wealth Management, Flex IT, MJH Groundworks, Rubery Owen and The Business Company.

Any donations woud be greatly appreciated via our JustGiving page.
